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Winter Solstice, Nature’s New Year!

Diyora Abdullaeva


Now is the perfect timing to get ready for making wishes!

Growing up on the path of the ancient Great Silk Road allowed me to learn and practice eastern and western rituals to manifest my dreams. The period from December 18th to December 24th is a very powerful part of the year. People often call it miracle or magic. I came to the realization that this is a law of nature.

Let’s get to business!

You need to start today. December 18th, on full moon day, clear your home from anything that stops your growth. I like to start this process of deep cleaning “trash” from my head. I use simple tools like paper and pen. I am sure you all can relate to the conversations that you have with the people who are not present in the room. I write down all those untold messages on paper. After I burst out all the stagnated emotions onto the paper, I burn the paper and flush it in the toilet. The head is ready!

Next, let’s declutter the space. I set 35 minutes for each room in my house. Otherwise, I can spend all day in the closet thinking if I want to let go of this dress that may fit me if I only …. I set a timer and it helps me to avoid any delay in decision making. Lettings go of all the objects that take space without bringing joy. General cleaning like vacuuming, mopping the floors, and dusting your place will help you feel the fresh air in your space. This year I hired a cleaning company for the deep cleaning of the house. This allowed me to save time and publish this article for you. My space is ready, what about you?

Please, do not push yourself to get everything done within a day. There is no reason to stress and panic. Let’s relax and do this cleansing process at our own speed with uplifting music. You can lighten up the incense or scented candles.

On December 19th, It is a perfect day to take a bath with salt, use a body scrub, and face mask. This is a very deep transformational time when you can rewrite a new history for yourself. Make sure to keep your intentions on letting go of the past and opening up to the new. The body and mind are ready!

Let’s get our Christmas Tree ready!

Remember that this tree is like a rocket that delivers your wishes to the universe at super speed. Thus, make sure to decorate your Christmas tree with the symbols of your wishes for the upcoming year. Each color and shape is coded with messages to the universe from you and your whole family.

Here is the list of items and their code to the universe:

  • Placing wreaths and garlands is welcoming joy, cheers, and warmth;
  • Fir-cone is a symbol of financial stability;
  • If you are searching for a house for purchase, placing the Christmas tree decoration in the shape of the house will help you to find the house of your dreams faster;
  • Acorn means strong health;
  • A stork that brings a baby may bring a child to your home next year;
  • Sweets like candy cones or lollypops represent the financial abundance and sweetness of life;
  • If you wish to travel then place an airplane, train, or RV on your Christmas tree;
  • Wealth and wellbeing are coded in golden and red colors;
  • Creativity and inspiration bring light blue, turquoise, and teal;
  • Love seekers get pink Christmas decorations on your tree;
  • For the managers and business owners, purple and burgundy will bring more power and influence.

You can always make your own Christmas tree decoration and empower it with the meanings that you wish to send to the universe. For example, this year I am making a Lion with the message for my 10-month-old baby boy. This is a symbol of strength and bravery.

On December 21st, there is a time to start making wishes!

I love making wishes! This is my main life source! In fact, killing the wishes by manifesting them is so energizing for me!

Here are the main rules of making a wish:

  • Write in the present tense. Write like it is already manifested and you are “holding” it in your hands;
  • Emotional wish. You have to feel it deep in your heart that this wish is yours and not borrowed from a business partner, social media, or your mom;
  • Reasonable. It should be achievable within this coming year.

Let’s start with getting your brain ready to manifest this wish. Think of twenty-five reasons to be grateful for and write them down. This will increase your focus on the possibilities and plentitude that you already possess. After this list is done take another paper. Write down two very simple wishes that you can manifest right now. For example, “ I am drinking clean water.”; “I freely move my healthy body”.

Next, get yourself a glass of water and drink it, cross out the first wish. Stand up, walk, jump or dance, and after cross out the second wish. The point is to make your brain understand that you make a wish and you manifest it! You are the mighty One!!!

Now, think of the most wanted wish for 2022. Write it down and hide it under your Christmas tree. After the festivities are over and the Christmas tree is in storage, place this wish list somewhere in your house and keep it until it manifested.

Remember, that the Christmas tree will shoot your message into the universe. And the whole universe will rush to help you manifest your wish. Stay open to new people, new information, new events! Accept the fact that you are important and your wishes are valuable to this world.



Diyora Abdullaeva
Diyora Abdullaeva

Written by Diyora Abdullaeva

Certified Essential Emotions Coach; Neurographica Instructor;

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